So this is partly so that you can know that I am reading as fast as I can (really, I promise) and also because I felt like it. I was going to try and think of another somewhat legitimate sounding reason to create this post but then I figured that "because I felt like it" is a pretty legitimate excuse because this is my blog and the whole reason it exists in the first place is because I felt like it.
[end tangent]
Anyway. It's Wednesday and here is my anthology of bits of internet aweseomeness that tickled me pink and that I wanted to share with you.
Feature #1: Have you heard that Ben from No Ordinary Rollercoaster and Andy from Wild ARS Chase have teamed up again for another totally radical co-blog? And were you aware that this new co-blog is so awesome that they had to set up a stog (short term blog) for it? If not, you are missing out on something wonderful. Anyway, the horoscope for Aquarius was terrifying. Mostly because I know they were trying to be funny but pretty much hit it right on the head:
Aquarius: You want to take more initiative in your social life. Sign up for a Twilight book club, meet up with local World of Warcraft players and join a neighborhood crocheting club.
Feature #2: This picture from one of my favorite blogs, Secret Agent Josephine. Please note: I did not take this picture. Brenda did. I only wish I had taken this picture.

Feature #3: The idea of a Just Because box sent to someone you love just because (in case you hadn't already figured it out) that I got off of the lovely blog Cakies. I know a few people who could use some surprise love via the mail. I just have to stop being lazy and do it already.
Feature #4: I really don't have anything else right now. Truth be told it's actually Tuesday night (hooray for the ability to schedule blog posts!) and I am surprisingly tired considering it's only 10:05 pm and I read close to 300 blog posts today and I can't think of anything else that I loved loved loved. You know, except that one thing that you wrote the other day. I totally loved that.
The End
1 comment:
I like the sharkie picture tooooo!!!
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